
An intro to the Development Log

What is all this?

Welcome to the MKG Development Log, a home for discussions and articles about indie game development - including technical challenges, game progress updates, and more. More specifically, you'll find plenty of stuff covering our own projects (mainly Bus Game for now), and my musings on the whole process. I'm Rob, by the way, the guy behind this whole weird endeavor.

How did we get here?

I started my game development journey with close to zero experience back in 2021, during the pandemic. I didn't have much going on at the time, so I decided to try my hand at something that had piqued my interest for much of my life as someone who plays video games - making my own game. I fired up Unity, Visual Studio, and Google, and - armed only with basic knowledge of Python from high school CS - got to work learning about object-oriented programming in C#, game design, UI, render pipelines, networking principles, and more.

Now, a few years removed from where I started, I like to think that I'm pretty good at the more technical side of game dev. I've got much more to learn, granted, but I'd also like to focus more on the actual "fun factor" of games, and on actually delivering a functional product to the world. That product, hopefully, being Bus Game - a development sandbox I've been working on for a few years, focused on the usage of buses as vessels to experience an open world and to experiment with vehicular gameplay.

Where are we going?

In the near future(ish), the goal is to get Bus Game to a fully functional and presentable state for a public demo and eventual release. There's still loads of work to do, to get to that point - and that's partially why this devlog exists. Going forward, I'd like to share updates on Bus Game's progress here, along with occasional posts about specific technical challenges that arise during its development.

Part of those updates will be a weekly* State of the Game post, outlining the most notable changes made to the game in the preceding week. I'd also love for this to be a resource for other devs, to find solutions to technical issues and for ideas for their own projects.

Thanks for checking out the Development Log! If any of this seems interesting to you, feel free to subscribe to get notified of new posts and updates.


* no promises or guarantees about the 'weekly' nature of State of the Game, for now.